Hammersley Inlet, WA

About a month and a half ago I went and stayed at my parent’s house for our annual family reunion near Hammersley Inlet, WA, which is about 20 minutes east of Shelton, WA.  I love spending time down there.  It is a nice break from the busy Seattle city life.  I grew up in a bit of wilderness, so it is always nice to get back to it. Their place is right on the water, so plenty of beach walks and kayaking took place.  It is so nice too when my brother & his wife fly in from Phoenix, and I get to spend time with them and my adorable niece!  Not to mention the rest of my family on my dad’s side of the family.   We don’t see each other enough, so spending the whole day catching up and eating good food is always nice.

In other news, this month has been so crazy! I moved and also have been sick while doing it.  Not exactly the way I wanted to spend the last month of summer, but I did get to do enough summer activities that I am very much welcoming fall.  I can’t wait to go pumpkin picking and start celebrating Halloween! My favorite holiday. 🙂  I also have some shoots coming up, which I am very excited about, and tests for fall treats, which I will be posting once they happen.  Hope you are enjoying the beginning of fall as much as I am! Enjoy the photos.

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