
About a month ago, I did a test shoot with Rachel Grunig. We had been joking for a while about just photographing cheese because we both love it so much.  We had originally met on a shoot about a year ago and ended up bonding over the cheese, and our obsession with it. Well, we at least got a few shots out of the cheese before we ate it all. 🙂 I think at one point Rachel actually admitted just doing the cheese photo so we could eat it all later.

Rachel is just such an amazing stylist so everything ended up looking fantastic!   I had a job in LA a few weeks ago and knew immediately that I wanted to bring Rachel on board as the prop stylist, if I was able.  Always great to have familiar faces and trust in people, when you are in a new unpredictable setting.  More news on the LA job soon.  I really felt so unbelievably lucky that I am able to follow my dream and pursue what I love doing for a living.

Happy Holidays and enjoy the photos!

xoxo Amy_Johnson-0849 Amy_Johnson-0905Amy_Johnson-0879Amy_Johnson-0786Amy_Johnson-0820 Amy_Johnson-0929

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